Parris Island Spouses' Club (PISC) exists to provide opportunities for fellowship, philanthropy and community service. Membership provides opportunities to meet other spouses and enrich your experience while your family is stationed here in Beaufort, SC.

We are a diverse group of spouses dedicated to supporting one another and making the most of our time in and around the Lowcountry. PISC is open to spouses of any and all active-duty, retired, reserve, and deceased U.S. Armed Forces Officer. From full-time moms to busy professionals, we know how stressful life can be as a military spouse especially on a Recruit Depot, which is why our events are focused on building a community and network for lifelong connections!

Our History

The Parris Island Spouses’ Club has been around in the Lowcountry since the 1940s. It was then known as the Parris Island Officers’ Spouses’ Club. In 2016, the club's name was amended to become what we are known as today, the Parris Island Spouses’ Club. This allowed spouses of all ranks and all walks of life to come together as one community. The change came to support the ever-evolving Marine Corps, to expand the club’s reach, and to continue to be the supportive group that we are today.

Our club is honored and proud to be a place for all of our military spouses to gather for fellowship, to build community, and to give back through philanthropic efforts as well as scholarships for our dependents and fellow spouses.

Amanda Machesky - Former President of The Parris Island Spouses’ Club


  • We are here to support and empower all spouses of any military members of any rank residing in the Lowcountry, MCAS Beaufort, Naval Hospital Beaufort, and MCRD Parris Island.

  • As a member, you'll be able to participate in monthly social events and philanthropic opportunities to make unparalleled memories and network with other spouses. Make sure to check out the Programs page to find out more!

  • Although it started as an Officer Spouses’ club, we have expanded to welcome spouses of all ranks and branches here in Beaufort.